How to get SQL Database Connection Strings

SQL Database Connection Strings

SQL Database Connection Strings are the backbone of smooth software development communication between applications and databases. This article explores its complex functions, syntax, and components, enabling developers to improve the security and efficiency of their interactions. Learn about SQL Database Connection Strings in a simplified and comprehensive way by spending a short time with us. In … Read more

Categories SQL

How to Limit Rows in a SQL Server ResultSet


In this tutorial, we will learn how to Limit Rows in a SQL Server ResultSet and can be used for pagination. This will help you optimize if dealing with a large amount of data and use a paginated display in our front-end application. We will be using the OFFSET and FETCH clauses in Microsoft SQL … Read more

Categories SQL

Executing SQL Scalar Functions

Executing SQL Scalar Functions

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about executing SQL Scalar functions. SQL Scalar function is just like a stored procedure that is written in an SQL script. What are SQL Scalar functions? An SQL scalar function is a user-defined function written in SQL and it returns a single value each time it is invoked. … An inlined SQL scalar function has … Read more

Categories SQL

Create a Stored Procedure in SQL Server

SQL Stored procedure

This article will guide you on how to create a Stored Procedure in SQL Server. The stored procedure is composed of Structured Query Language (SQL) found in a Relational Database Management System. Stored Procedure is used to store SQL queries that are mainly used to modify data from a Database. This is an alternative way … Read more

Categories SQL

How to Enable Line Numbers in SQL Server Management Studio

Display line numbers in SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a popular integrated environment for managing SQL infrastructure and writing SQL queries. For developers, enabling line numbers in SSMS can significantly enhance code readability and debugging efficiency. This article will guide you on how to enable line numbers in SQL Server Management Studio, along with some useful tips and … Read more

Categories SQL