FreeCode in ASP NET MVC using Dapper

Here’s a checklist of FreeCode Spot that uses Micro ORM Dapper. Feel free to use this FreeCode in ASP NET MVC using Dapper.

You may also get the source code from my GitHub account @coderbugz

Dapper in ASP NET Core Web API

Using Dapper in ASP.NET Core Web API

In this article, we will be using Dapper in ASP NET Core Web API. I will create an ASP.NET Core WEB API, and we will be using SQL Stored procedure on this project. This tutorial will help us to understand how Dapper works and how to implement them.. » Read More

How to consume an ASP.NET Core Web API using RestSharp

How to consume an ASP.NET Core Web API using RestSharp

In this tutorial, we will learn how to consume an ASP NET Core Web API using RestSharp. We are going to take advantage of this simple library and later on, we will see how simple and easy it is to implement. A restful API can be consumed in many ways and.. » Read More

JWT Authentication with swagger

Use JWT Bearer Authorization in Swagger OpenAPI

In this tutorial, we will implement a CRUD functionality with JWT Authentication in ASP NET Core WEB API and use JWT Bearer Authorization in Swagger for testing. In the past, we’ve created an article that uses JWT Authentication in ASP.NET Core, which can be found here. This tutorial is just an extension of that topic and adds swagger to test our.. » Read More

Login Web Application using Cookie Authentication in ASP NET Core

Login to Web Application using Cookie Authentication in ASP NET Core

Cookie authentication is one of the ways to implement login authentication. The cookie stores the identity of the user that is validated. Using Cookie authentication helps us customize ASP.NET Core Identity. Since a cookie is designed to. » Read More

Here is all the links to FreeCode in ASP NET MVC using Dapper